Rewards offered in catching killer of Huntington Library’s pet snake

By Brad Durrell

A national animal rights group, PETA, is offering a $2,500 reward for help in finding whoever killed the Huntington Branch Library’s pet snake, Peaches.

The Creamsicle-colored corn snake was a fixture of the library, where it was particularly popular with children. The snake endured chemical burns and kidney damage for a week before dying from injuries in mid-March after it appears someone poured the cleaning solvent Goof Off into its tank …

Shelton Herald – April 28, 2013

Rewards offered in catching killer of Huntington Library's pet snake


Animal rights group fighting to free orca

Judith Lavoie / Times Colonist

A small victory has been scored by animal rights organizations fighting to free Lolita, a member of the endangered southern resident killer whales.

The U.S. federal government has accepted a petition from groups, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and the Animal Legal Defense Fund, asking that Lolita be included in the U.S endangered species listing …

Victoria Times Colonist – April 27, 2013…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (April 28, 2013)

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