China and Israel move to end factory farming

Take That Factory Farming! China Just Signed a Deal to Import Israel’s Lab-Grown Meat Technology

China Just Signed a Deal That Could Lead to the Import of Israel’s Lab-Grown Meat Technology

China Just Signed a Deal That Could Lead to the Import of Israel’s Lab-Grown Meat Technology

Whoa! China just signed a $300 million “clean-tech” trade agreement deal (… ) that would allow them to import Israel’s lab-grown meat technologies. As of now, there are three Israeli food technology firms, SuperMeat (… ), Meat the Future (… ), and Future Meat Technologies ( ) working to replace animal-based protein with “clean” meat, which could mean a major leg-up on developing animal-free meat for China.

This is a great sign for lab-grown meat technology and a much needed proactive approach. Israel’s technology economy is considered by some (… ) to be second only to Silicon Valley. …


Sent: September 14, 2017 at 07:09 PM
From: “One Green Planet”
Subject: China and Israel move to end factory farming


One Green Planet (September 14, 2017 at 07:09 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (September 15, 2017)

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