Up close and personal in the war between Sea Shepherd and the whalers

Sam Vincent

THE Salvation Army band is playing Jingle Bells when the Brigitte Bardot, looking like a floating fighter jet, opens its hatch.

Eco-pirates are more interesting than the Salvos and the Bardot soon attracts a small crowd of onlookers. Named for the French actress turned animal rights activist, the Bardot is a high-speed trimaran belonging to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a vigilante marine-protection group whose members are considered eco-terrorists by the Japanese government. Captained by the Canadian Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd’s vegan fleet – known as “Neptune’s Navy” – espouses non-violent direct action in a bid to stop whalers, sealers and illegal tuna and shark-fin fishermen …

The Australian – September 06, 2014 12:00 AM


The World’s Forests Are Being Degraded at an Alarming Rate, and That’s Hurting Elephants, Tigers, and Bears

By Richard Conniff

A first-of-its-kind study finds 250 million acres of forest have been fractured by human development since 2000.

Deforestation—the worldwide destruction of forests—is the calamitous problem that everybody worries about. But a new analysis ( intactforests.org/news.html ) makes the case that forest degradation is also happening at “alarming speed” and may be just as bad, particularly for wildlife …

TakePart – September 05, 2014


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Sept 05, 2014)

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