Netherlands takes legal action over Greenpeace activists

Two Dutch people and two New Zealanders, David Haussmann and Jonathan Beauchamp, are among the group of activists being held in custody in the Russian city of Murmansk.

The group was arrested last month over a protest on an Arctic oil rig owned by state-controlled firm Gazprom.

The Netherlands is the first country to take legal action in the case, the BBC reports …

Radio New Zealand – October 4, 2013…

More information:

Dutch take legal action over Greenpeace ship in Russia…


PETA Offers to Defray Costs of Flattening Penis-Shaped Bollards: Video

By Robert Paul Reyes

“If you`ve driven along Carothers and Finley avenues in the Glendale section of Scott Township lately, you might understand why the phallus-shaped concrete posts, called bollards, are getting a rise out of residents. In fact, displeasure with the barriers is running so high that some people are reportedly referring to one street as `Penis Road`, and township officials are talking about flattening the posts` domed tops to make them a little less controversial. Enter PETA, which has sent a letter to Scott Township Manager Denise Fitzgerald with an offer: PETA will help offset the costs of flattening the domed tops in exchange for placing ads on the posts prior to their remodeling that address the connection between eating meat, eggs, and dairy products and the incidence of male impotence. The ads would read, `Here`s a Tip: Go Vegan to Beat Impotence.” …

Student Operated Press – October 4th, 2013 10:25 EST…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Oct 04, 2013)

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