Sea Shepherd activists warn Japan against resuming whaling


SYDNEY – Environmental activist group Sea Shepherd warned Japan on Sunday against resuming “research” whaling in the Antarctic and called on the Australian government to intervene.

After a decade of harassment by Sea Shepherd, Japan was forced to abandon its 2014-15 Southern Ocean hunt after the International Court of Justice said the annual expedition was a commercial activity masquerading as research.

But on Saturday Japanese media reported that it would start again next year, despite a call by global regulators for more evidence that the expeditions have a scientific purpose …

The China Post – November 30, 2015, 00:15 am TWN…

More information:

Japan to resume whaling in Antarctic despite worldwide court ruling…

Japan Plans to Kill Hundreds of Protected Whales This Winter…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Nov 29, 2015)

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