Hunters and conservationists battle over “lamb-killing” ravens

By Joe Stenson

HUNTERS and bird lovers are locked in battle over claims Scotland’s ravens are responsible for killing newborn lambs.

A petition to be allowed to cull the birds has so far attracted 2,500 signatures following a reported increase in lambs found dead with their eyes and tongues pecked out.

But opponents of the proposed cull have gathered 28,000 signatures on a counter-petition. …

Deadline News – May 5, 2016

Hunters and conservationists battle over “lamb-killing” ravens


Greenpeace rejects claims it supports polar bear hunts

An environment group is accusing Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund of racism for supporting the hunting of polar bears.

About 300 polar bears are expected to be killed by hunters in Canada this year.

Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund said the Canadian hunt was sustainable and the real threat to bears was from climate change. …

Radio New Zealand – 4:27 pm on 5 May 2016…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (May 05, 2016)

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