Japanese whale hunt ‘abhorrent’

Source: AFP

AUSTRALIA yesterday branded Japan’s killing of 333 whales “abhorrent,” saying there was no scientific justification for the Antarctic hunt.

The Japanese fleet set sail for the Southern Ocean in December despite a worldwide moratorium and opposition led by Australia and New Zealand, using a loophole in the ban that allows for lethal research …

Shanghai Daily (subscription) – March 26, 2016, Saturday

More information:

Media Release: Sea Shepherd Condemns Japan’s Most Recent Violations of International Law

Japan fleet returns after hunting 333 Antarctic whales

Japan kills 333 minke whales
Japan kills 333 minke whales


More Than 100 Travel Companies Say No to Cruel Elephant Rides

Written by Craig Shapiro

Good news for elephants: More than 100 travel agencies – including global operators like The Travel Corporation, Intrepid Travel, and TUI Benelux – have pledged not to include elephant rides ( www.express.co.uk/news/nature/… ) and shows with elephants in their itineraries …

PETA (press release) (blog) – March 25, 2016

More Than 100 Travel Companies Say No to Cruel Elephant Rides


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (March 25, 2016)

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