Greenpeace warns Thailand over fish stocks

Author: Nik Martin, Bangkok

Environmentalists say that the scale of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing is devastating stock numbers in Thai waters. They also warn that the danger is being overlooked by the government.

Recently, the Greenpeace ship Esperanza docked in Bangkok after patrolling in the Gulf of Thailand to witness the state of the sea. Over a fortnight, its crew documented more than a hundred examples of illegal and destructive fishing …

Deutsche Welle – 25 Jul, 2013…


PETA to protest against caging of tigers


NEW DELHI: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India will stage a protest “Save the Tiger – Say No to Zoos” outside the Delhi zoo Friday at noon.

A statement Thursday said two PETA (…) volunteers will put on tiger body suits as part of the protest …

Economic Times – 25 Jul, 2013, 06.24 PM IST…


Officials of Russian Federation BURN PIGS ALIVE!

(For more information on Animal Cruelty in Russia please contact Mikhail Novikov on Facebook or Email

Please help to expose and solve the indifferenceness of Russian Authorities towards our fellow inhabitants of this world.

Officials of Russian Federation BURN PIGS ALIVE! Russian Federation. Voronezh. 2013 .
It absolutely with impunity in the Russian Federation


Also see…

The officials of the Voronezh region declared the assumption of epidemic of pork plague. They ordered to kill pigs a bloodless method and to burn they. They stole money which have to be intended for euthanasia. (This everyday occurrence in the Russian Federation. 2 years ago officials of the region Nizhny Novgorod burned herd of horses alive during pork plague. 1 year ago officials of Bataysk burned stray dogs alive. Dmitry Medvedev ignored even the Open Letter of Princess Maja Hohenzollern against it:

Concering the dogs of Batajske in Russia I wrote a message to Mr.Medvedev that you can see on his facebook…

Posted by Maja von Hohenzollern on Samstag, 11. Februar 2012

But the most part of such cases remains unknown). In this video reporting, witnesses tell: veterinarians made to pigs a small dose of an injection of sleeping pill. Therefore part of pigs didn’t fall asleep. They burned alive. On photo (in this videoreporting) you can see a pig who got out of this pit. The head of this pig scorched.

PS This is how animals are treated in Russia
Petition (many links on this page)

Please help to expose and solve the indifferenceness of Russian Authorities towards our fellow inhabitants of this world.

Thank you,

Pieter Cornelis


Pieter Cornelis (Thu, 25 Jul 2013 14:39)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (July 25, 2013)

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