Dangerous ‘High-Speed’ Slaughter Plan Stopped!

USDA Withdraws Dangerous ‘High-Speed’ Chicken
Slaughter Rule

On Monday, the USDA withdrew a cruel and dangerous proposal to increase maximum bird slaughter speeds to a staggering 175 birds per minute, sparing chickens and meat-packing workers from increased suffering and injury.

This is a win for animals and humans — at those breakneck speeds, blades are more likely to miss birds’ throats, causing fully-conscious chickens to be boiled alive in scalding hot water. And workers are more likely to suffer severe injuries like severed limbs.

Still, pigs across the country endure high-speed kill lines. Please add your voice to help protect them, too.

Sign Lady Freethinker’s petition urging the USDA to end all high-speed slaughter in the United States.


SIGN: Ban Cruel, Dangerous High-Speed Pig Slaughter


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Sent: January 28, 2021 at 06:02 PM
From: “Lady Freethinker” nina@ladyfreethinker.org
To: pattersonmatpatt@gmx.net
Subject: Dangerous ‘High-Speed’ Slaughter Plan Stopped!


Sent by:
Martina Patterson (January 29, 2021 at 06:30 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (January 30, 2021)

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