Happy New Year from ROLDA!!!

Dear Woehl,

All of us here at ROLDA want to wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year!!!

Woehl here are some of the ways you helped ROLDA in 2019:

• 152 dogs adopted (30 more from 2018)
• 564 dogs and 99 cats sterilized (304 more from 2018)
• 802 families with pets helped (223% increase from 2018)
• 19,200 Christmas meals raised for stray dogs (which includes transfers from our Norwegian and Swiss branches)

Woehl thank you for an amazing year and an incredible decade! We have accomplished many great things thanks to your support, and we hope that you will continue to be with us for another productive decade.

Together, we will save many more animals!! Happy 2020!!


ROLDA ( rolda.org/?utm_source=ROLDA%20… ) is an international charity that helps homeless animals in Romania using a responsible, efficient, and humane approach.

Our programs serve homeless, abandoned, and abused animals, as well as pets with financially troubled owners such as senior citizens, retirees, and unemployed people … all who have difficulty providing for their furry companions.

Visit our Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/ROLDADOGS/?ut… ). Like it and Share it to help us save more animals in Romania!

Visit our colorful website ( rolda.org/?utm_source=ROLDA%20… ) full of useful, fresh information about our rescue campaigns.


rolda.org (January 01, 2020 at 04:19 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (January 01, 2020)

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