Please help! ROLDA has lost power due to fierce winter storm.

650 dogs in danger!

Dear Woehl,

Galati, Romania has been hit by a powerful winter storm and has, sadly, claimed the lives of stray dogs.

A local found this poor soul frozen in a bus station the morning after the storm. We fear that hundreds of more strays across Galati may have suffered the same fate. Right now, we are doing our best searching for dogs who need a respite from the cold, as well as food and water.

As for our dogs in our sanctuary, they are safe. Our team has done an amazing job keeping the snow off their kennels and clearing the paths around the shelters.

Fierce winter storm hits ROLDA

Unfortunately, the snow, the powerful winds, and the freezing temperatures have damaged our transformer beyond repair and we are currently without electricity—which is vital to keep our dogs warm, pump fresh water, clean their kennels, and much more.

Basically, our sanctuary, our staff, and our 650 dogs are in danger with no electricity. We must replace the transformer immediately!

Woehl if you wish to help us replace our sanctuary’s transformer, you can make a donation via Facebook (… ) or via PayPal by clicking the PayPal button below.

Woehl your help is deeply appreciated during this difficult time.

Thank you!


ROLDA (… ) is an international charity that helps homeless animals in Romania using a responsible, efficient, and humane approach.

Our programs serve homeless, abandoned, and abused animals, as well as pets with financially troubled owners such as senior citizens, retirees, and unemployed people … all who have difficulty providing for their furry companions.

Visit our Facebook (… ) page. Like it and Share it to help us save more animals in Romania!

Visit our colorful website (…) of useful, fresh information about our rescue campaigns.

Donations, large or small, are always welcomed!

Please choose your preferred option:

1.Donate by PayPal:…

2. Donate via our secure website…

3. Donate via international bank transfer directly to ROLDA’s bank account in Romania:

Swift/Bic code: BTRLRO22
Account name: Fundatia ROLDA
Bank name: Banca Transilvania

4. Make a gift in your will.…

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———- (February 11, 2020 at 06:19 PM))


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (February 12, 2020)

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