German prosecutor punished Norwegian for selling whale meat

by Warsame in Europe

Year’s international exhibition “International Green Week” in Berlin a whale protection organisation uncovered the scandalous sale of portions of whale meat by Norwegian tourist company Fjord Norge. The Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office (Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft) has now imposed a fine of EUR 1,000 on a Norwegian manager.

The importing and trafficking of whale meat products is strictly forbidden in the European Union (EU). However, Norway is not a member of the EU. The Whale and Dolphin Protection Forum in Hagen (Hagener Wal und Delfinschutz-Forum) (WDSF) filed a criminal complaint …

Mareeg Media – February 21, 2015…


Thai government encouraged to do more to stop ivory trade

The Nation/Asia News Network

A LARGE model elephant named “Boon-Chuay” was presented to Natural Resources and Environment Minister General Dapong Ratanasuwan by WWF Thailand (World Wide Fund for Nature) on Thursday.

The gift follows the “Chor Chang Can Save Elephants” campaign (Chor Chang Chuay Chang) and was a gesture of thanks to recognise Thai people’s love of elephants and support for efforts being made to protect the world’s elephants …

AsiaOne – Saturday, Feb 21, 2015…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Feb 21, 2015)

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