Public Health Warning Issued After Killer Cat Parasite Spreads To Whales

By Lydia Smith

A potentially deadly parasite has spread from domestic cats to beluga whales in the Arctic, prompting scientists to issue a public health warning.

Inuit populations who consume whalemeat have been warned the parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii, can be spread when people do not wash their hands after preparing meals …

International Business Times UK – February 14, 2014 13:10 PM GMT…


UK Government set to examine Soco’s activities in Virunga National Park

The UK Government is set to examine the activities of Soco, a London-based oil company, over alleged violations of environmental protections and human rights abuses in a protected African World Heritage Site …

WWF-UK – 14 February 2014…


Elephants and rhinos benefit from drone surveillance (Video)

by Paul Marks

Poachers beware. Surveillance drones offer a highly effective way to catch wildlife criminals in the act (… ). Namibia’s Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) came to this conclusion after trialling a raft of wildlife crime-fighting technologies, with expertise from conservation group WWF and funding from Google …

New Scientist – 11:35 14 February 2014…


How we all kill whales

Killing whales by design and default

By Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

While countries such as Japan, Norway, and Iceland often are criticized for their commercial whaling practices, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) marine biologist Michael Moore points out how the majority of nations are also complicit in killing whales by deploying commercial fishing gear …

Cape Cod Today – February 14, 2014 – 6:00 AM…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Feb 14, 2014)

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