Stop hassling marine wildlife, says charity as fabulous display continues around coast

By WMNlynbarton

A charity says it has had numerous complaints about marine life being harassed as dolphins, whales and porpoises continue to put on a fabulous display around the Westcounty’s coastline this summer.

So far this season, dolphins have been seen frolicking at St Ives Bay, minke whales have breached off Penzance, and the unusual looking Rissos dolphins have been cruising around Falmouth …

Western Morning News – August 02, 2014…


A giraffe in South Africa has been killed by a motorway bridge

Story by Brian Lloyd

This is pretty sad. A giraffe that was being transported to a farm in South Africa has died after it hit a motorway bridge.

The giraffe, which was paired with another, was being driven on the N1 Highway to Kameeldrift when it struck a bridge, killing the giraffe almost instantly … – 11:59 | Saturday 2nd August 2014…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (August 02, 2014)

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