On Japanese People and Whales

Hiroshi Yamaguchi
Professor of Faculty of Global Media at Komazawa University

The public hearings in the case concerning whaling in the Antarctic at the International Court of Justice were concluded yesterday. The Court will now begin its deliberation ( Press release – www.icj-cij.org/docket/files/1… ). The Court Judgment will be issued by this winter.

The trial has not attract enough attention from public, except media in Japan and Australia, the parties in dispute. It is OK, but what seems to be problematic is that the Japanese media has not reported so much on this issue in English …

Huffington Post (blog) – Posted: 08/07/2013 12:25 pm


Meat Eaters Are More Tolerant Than Vegans

By Hank Campbell

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), is always in conflict with itself. While it claims to care about animals, it also kills about 90% of the animals it takes in. While they advocate less meat consumption, the people they rally around that flag abuse animals with dietary quackery and forced ideology, like the recent case of a dying kitten who was non-responsive when brought to a veterinarian by its vegan owners – who told them a diet of potatoes, rice milk and pasta was killing their cat ( www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/we… ). The posturing of PETA members overall is cloying, but nothing like most vegans …

Science 2.0 – August 7th 2013 12:20 PM


PETA re-enacts foie gras process outside Fortnum

By Nicholas Robinson

A woman has been ‘force-fed’ corn as part of a protest against foie gras outside Fortnum & Mason in Piccadilly, London.

The protest has been organised by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) as part of a series of protests against the company selling foie gras, which PETA calls “torture in a tin” …

meatinfo.co.uk – 07 August, 2013

More information:

PHOTOS: Force-Feeding Outside Fortnum & Mason


Sea Shepherd’s Paul Watson a repeat guest on Costa Rica’s Rainforest Radio

By David Boddiger

Costa Rican officials are sticking to their initial storyline that the murder of Tico turtle conservationist Jairo Mora was carried out by a band of thieves and turtle poachers. Paul Watson thinks officials are lying. On Wednesday, Rainforest Radio’s Jani Schulz will find out why …

Tico Times – Posted: Tuesday, August 06, 2013


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Aug 07, 2013)

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