Press Mirror

Englischsprachige Presseartikel

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 19, 2015)

Last of government-owned research chimps to be retired (Video) by Daisy Sullivan "It's time to say we've reached the point in the USA where invasive research...

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 18, 2015)

Australian court fines Japanese whalers for continuing hunt off Antarctica despite court ban The Associated Press SYDNEY, Australia — An Australian court fined a Japanese whaling...

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 17, 2015)

WHAT?! You Won't Believe the Cruel Animal Tests Being Performed by This Popular Soy Sauce Brand Aisling Maria Cronin This may be hard to believe, Green...

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 16, 2015)

You beat Sea World! (Video) Hi Friend, We’ve just had some amazing news and I wanted to share it with you right away. You might have read...

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 15, 2015)

Should India get its cows off the streets? Nimisha Jaiswal NEW DELHI, India — Animals hold a lot of social and political significance in India. Hindus...

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 14, 2015)

Orca capture trade has moved to Russia, China, activists say by Azure Gilman Demand from aquatic theme parks in Russia, China fueling new market for wild...

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 13, 2015)

EXCLUSIVE: The fight against Japanese Whaling is not over, Sea Shepherd captain reveals and talks about the conservation laws void Usha Rani Das The oceans are...

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 12, 2015)

Minnesota investigates illegal hunting allegations on Cecil the lion killer's land Associated Press in Minneapolis Walter Palmer, who faced public’s scorn after shooting Zimbabwe’s famous lion,...

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 11, 2015)

Whaling ban helped replenish Australia's right whale population, but situation still alarming By Guneet Bhatia Whaling activities are known to dwindle the population of marine creatures...

PRESS MIRROR (Nov 10, 2015)

Trophy hunts are adverse to 21st-century morals Jacqueline Hohmann Re: Grizzly bear trophy hunt. Just in time for this fall’s government-sponsored grizzly bear trophy hunt, which is...