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PRESS MIRROR (June 16, 2020)

Call for Action: Gwangju, Shut down the illegal dog farm in Tanbeol-dong immediately! (Video) Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage:!&utm_medium=email ----- Sent: June 16,...

PRESS MIRROR II (June 10, 2013)

Endangered Maui's dolphins fighting for survival off NZ coast (Video) Ben Brown reports The plight of a critically endangered dolphin subspecies is expected to be one...

PRESS MIRROR (Sep 11, 2015)

Wild Animals Are Not Disposable Inventory in a Warehouse. Why Trophy Hunting Can’t be Justified Azzedine Downes, President and CEO, IFAW The Earth is not a...

PRESS MIRROR (April 19, 2013)

Rhino Horn Bad Medicine Says New WWF ‘Toenails For Cancer’ Campaign (Video) Rhino horn ( is no more effective at treating cancer than eating ground-up...

PRESS MIRROR (April 26, 2014)

Japan starts coastal research whaling in Pacific Kyodo News International Four Japanese ships left the northeastern city of Ishinomaki on Saturday to conduct research whaling along...

PRESS MIRROR (Aug 24, 2015)

EXCLUSIVE: Raised in cages to be hunted as trophies like Cecil, and so used to humans that they think their killers are bringing them...

PRESS MIRROR (April 24, 2013)

Mapping the Sea with Air Guns Is Deafening Whales By Greg Thomas Whales are getting it from all sides these days. Between overfishing, ocean acidification, Japan's...

PRESS MIRROR (June 04, 2013)

Endangered Whale Dog Treats Sold In Japan Kristin Masliuk Pampered pets are seen everywhere in the US. Clothes, spas, day care, and high end pet foods...

PRESS MIRROR (February 27, 2018)

Victory! UK to Ban Wild Animal Circus Acts Natasha Brooks Animal welfare advocates have long been speaking out against the use of wild animals for entertainment...

PRESS MIRROR (Dec 04, 2014)

Scientists 'fixed evidence' to ban pesticides, note reveals Ben Webster, The Times RESEARCH blaming pesticides for the decline in honey¬bees has been called into question by...