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PRESS MIRROR (Sep 24, 2013)

The automatic killing system of the Japanese animal (A shocking picture) ---------- Sent by: fenriswolf (Sep 24, 2013 05:08 PM) ********** Eight Dogs Spayed = Half a Million Others...

PRESS MIRROR (Sep 23, 2013)

Record number of rhinos killed in South Africa in 2013 Adam Vaughan Total of 688 rhino deaths passes last year's record, with three months of the...

PRESS MIRROR (Sep 22, 2013)

WWF marches for rhinos during car-free day (ebf) The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Indonesia held the Rhino Long March in car-free day areas in Jakarta on...

BUCH-TIPP: Krötenrettung

Von Rebecca Sytlof Allen überfahrenen Amphibien, die niemand mehr retten konnte Aus dem Vorwort: „Tierliebe ist ein seltsames Phänomen. Verletzte Säugetiere rufen bei den meisten Menschen Mitleid...

PRESS MIRROR (Sep 21, 2013)

Tassie activist could face 15 years in jail as Russians consider piracy charges JESSICA HOWARD The Sunday Tasmanian A TASMANIAN man could face piracy charges after...

PRESS MIRROR (Sep 20, 2013)

Shipping companies agree to slow down to save whales By Geoff Cumming Shipping companies have agreed to slow down and alter course in the Hauraki Gulf...

PRESS MIRROR (Sep 19, 2013)

Shooting Medallist Accused Of Illegal Whaling This Week on Fieldsports Channel TV United Kingdom -- ( - ) - The headlines this week:...

PRESS MIRROR (Sep 18, 2013)

PETA’s anti-foie gras campaign boosted as exclusive London club takes it off the menu Alain Tolhurst An animal rights charity’s campaign to ban foie gras from...

Wut auf Jäger – 50 Hochsitze zerstört

Vandalismus in den Landesforsten von Dieter Brumm und Eckard Gehm Seit dem Frühjahr verüben Tierschützer immer wieder Anschläge auf Ansitze in den Landesforsten. Mehr als 20.000...

PRESS MIRROR (Sep 17, 2013)

Devastating research for rhinos as only 1 in 3 who want to buy horn actually do Posted by Kevin Heath New research just published by TRAFFIC...