Am Freitag, den 23. 01. 2009, und am Samstag, den 24. 01. 2009, wird auf Supreme Master Television ein Interview mit Helmut F. Kaplan ausgestrahlt werden. Und zwar zu jeweils folgenden Zeiten:
04:00 (am nächsten Tag)
Titel der Sendungen:
An Interview with Austria’s
Dr. Helmut F. Kaplan:
Leading Voice for
Animal Rights – Part 1
Fri, Jan. 23d
An Interview with Austria’s
Dr. Helmut F. Kaplan:
Leading Voice for
Animal Rights – Part 2
Sat, Jan 24th
Deutsches Wochenprogramm:…
Englisches Wochenprogramm:…
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Später (ab ca. 1 Woche nach der Ausstrahlung) wird die Sendung auf der Supreme Master TV-Website auch als Video on Demand zu finden sein (auch zum Herunterladen), unter Shows – Animal World:…
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Untertitel in 13 Sprachen: Arabisch, Vietnamesisch, Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Indonesisch, Koreanisch, Malaysisch, Persisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch und Spanisch.
Einleitung: Throughout the ages, great philosophers have taught us how to lead ethical and happy lives. Among the very greatest were those that reminded us to adopt a compassionate vegetarian diet and refrain from the killing of animals.
Helmut F. Kaplan is part of this philosophical tradition of vegetarianism, which was also upheld by Socrates, Pythagoras, Confucius, Ralph Waldo Emerson and many other wise and noble teachers throughout the ages:
An Austrian philosopher, Dr. Kaplan holds a PHD in psychology and an M.A. in philosophy. He is the esteemed author of more than a dozen of books on animal rights, ethics, vegetarianism and general philosophy as well as of several hundred newspaper articles, reflections, letters and other publications. One of the main messages of all of his publications is to respect animals just the way we respect our fellow human beings and to adopt a compassionate, plant-based diet.
In the last 20 years, Mr. Kaplan has been the guest on numerous talk shows and has given public lectures at animal rights demonstrations and conferences of all kinds. His inspiring books have vitally fuelled the animal rights movement in the German speaking countries and are now considered to be classics.
In 2007, Helmut F. Kaplan received an animal protection prize from the German Hans Rönn Foundation, honoring his achievements as a passionate and courageous advocate of a better world for animals and humans. Presently, he is working on a new book which presents guidelines for animal ethics and animal rights in a manner which can be easily understood by people from all walks of life.
We now are honored to present an interview with Helmut F. Kaplan, conducted in his hometown, the beautiful city of Salzburg, Austria.