Remember National Hunting and Fishing Day next Saturday

By Keith Sutton/Contributing Writer

One of the great annual traditions in the outdoors, National Hunting and Fishing Day, is set for next Saturday. For the past 45 years, the day has served as a public reminder that hunters and anglers are America’s premier conservation supporters.

So, how do hunting and angling translate to conserving wild places? How exactly do sportsmen and sportswomen help the resources that are also enjoyed by mountain bikers, bird-watchers, backpackers and others?

Hunters and anglers do lots of things for conservation. They volunteer for work projects such as outdoor cleanup days. They help biologists develop water sources for wildlife. They teach hunter-education classes, and do lots, lots more. But when you get right down to it, their most important contribution is cash, and lots of it. Can you guess how much? …

Arkansas Online – September 17, 2017at 12:00 a.m.…


104 ‘Snips’ in 24 Hours; Lives Saved: Countless

Written by Alisa Mullins

Danville, Virginia, is known for its scenic Dan River, its “Millionaire’s Row” of old tobacco barons’ mansions, and its minor-league baseball team, the Braves. It’s also becoming known for the annual low-cost spay/neuter marathon that the Danville Area Humane Society ( ) partners with PETA to host every year. …

PETA (blog) – September 16, 2017

104 ‘Snips’ in 24 Hours; Lives Saved: Countless


VICTORY: Stop Animal Fighting Experiments at Northeastern University!

Action Alerts…

UPDATE: Victory—we did it! Records just obtained by PETA reveal that for the first time in more than 20 years, Northeastern University experimenter Richard Melloni isn’t receiving funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to give anabolic steroids or cocaine to hamsters and make them fight. This follows PETA’s exposé and thousands of e-mails from compassionate taxpayers who were furious that their dollars were paying for these atrocities. After PETA went public with information about Melloni’s abuse of hamsters, Senator Jeff Flake lambasted the studies in his “Wastebook” (… ) of misused government funds. It appears that the feds were listening, and now, hamsters will be spared further torment in these cruel experiments! …

PETA – Sep 13, 2017

VICTORY: Stop Animal Fighting Experiments at Northeastern University!


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (September 17, 2017)

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