Join Us: Fur Farming Webinar on November 12!

Dear Martina,

over the past decade, while other countries have taken great strides to ban fur farming, the U.S. legal landscape has remained stagnant. The dangers of the lack of regulation and oversight of this cruel industry have been magnified in recent months in light of COVID-19 outbreaks in fur farms in three states. Fur farms do not just threaten animal health and welfare but also put humans at risk.

Join us on Thursday, November 12 for our webinar, A Dying Industry: The Global Movement to Ban Fur Farming (… ).


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Sent: October 29, 2020 um 01:02 PM
From: “Born Free USA”
To: “Martina Patterson”
Subject: Join Us: Fur Farming Webinar on November 12!


Sent by:
Martina Patterson (October 29, 2020 at 02:15 PM)


65,000 English badgers will be trapped, shot, maimed … and mercilessly killed before Christmas!

This is simply outrageous! And it is being done for no purpose!

Dear Friend,

the lives of 65,000 innocent creatures are at stake. We must stop the barbaric badger cull! Please donate what you can (… ) today – and sign our urgent petition (… ).

Earlier this year, the British government announced that it was phasing out the pointless badger cull it has been championing for the past five years. It lied. Instead of stopping the badger cull, it increased the scope and number of badger culling areas.

65,000 English badgers will be trapped, shot, maimed… and mercilessly killed before Christmas!


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Sent: October 28, 2020 at 05:24 UhPM
From: “Political Animal Lobby”
To: “Friend ”
Subject: 65,000 English badgers will be trapped, shot, maimed… and mercilessly killed before Christmas!


Sent by:
Martina Patterson (October 28, 2020 at 06:09 PM)


Big win for puppies

We recently learned that the former operator of an NYC based pet store, Chelsea Kennel Club, has been ordered to pay nearly $4 million in fines (… ). This record-breaking fine comes after a Humane Society of the United States investigation revealed that the store failed to care for ailing animals and knowingly sold sick puppies.

Even after the store selling these puppy mill dogs shut down, we continued to provide information behind the scenes to authorities to ensure a measure of justice for the animals and consumers wronged.

This outcome and the unprecedented $3.9 million fine send a strong message to all puppy selling pet stores that it is their responsibility to provide prompt and professional veterinary care to sick and suffering animals. Thank you for your support, your action and your passion that make this work possible.

Read the Blog:

Judge issues hefty fine on Chelsea Kennel Club for selling sick animals, new report shows Nebraska Department of Agriculture routinely ignores puppy mill suffering


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Sent: October 28, 2020 at 06:01 PM
From: “Humane Society of the United States”
To: “Martina Patterson”
Subject: Big win for puppies


Sent by:
Martina Patterson (October 28, 2020 at 06:03 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (October 29, 2020)

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