You can help to put an end to the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty! Take the action today! (Video)

Sunnyvale, CA

29. Okt. 2017 — We have many new Sister/Friendship City campaigns. Please be the voice for the millions of puppies/dogs suffering in horrendous conditions and cruelty in Korea’s dog meat industry by taking simple actions today. Thank you for caring!!


Petition: „President Moon Jae-In: Please stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats in Korea.”:…


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Sent: October 29, 2017 at 07:39 AM
From: “KOREANDOGS.ORG Activists over
Subject: You can help to put an end to the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty! Take the action today!


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (October 29, 2017 at 11:03 AM)


October eNews: Our wildlife report makes global headlines


Earlier this month we released our investigative report exposing the harmful impact of wildlife selfies in the Amazon. We are happy to share that our report received worldwide attention and has helped spread much needed awareness about this new alarming trend.

We have sent our report to local authorities and are urging them to enforce the law and protect local wildlife.

In response to our findings we launched the Wildlife Selfie Code to educate people about the animal cruelty that takes place behind the camera lens, often out of sight.


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Sent: October 28, 2017 at 03:10 PM
From: “World Animal Protection” info@email.worldanimalprotecti…
To: “Martina Patterson”
Subject: October eNews: Our wildlife report makes global headlines


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (October 28, 2017 at 08:19 PM)


Stop Brutal Animal Fights in Indonesia

Posted by Lindsay Savitzky…

Target: Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia

Goal: Stop cruel dog and boar fights in Indonesian villages.

Villages in Indonesia’s West Java region are hosting brutal pit fights between dogs and boars. These animals are kept locked in small cages and forced to fight until only one is left standing, which the villages claim is to test the animals’ hunting abilities. The winner is allowed to heal, but the loser is made into meat— whether they are dead or alive after the fight. Dog fighters are given a $2,000 reward if their dog wins.

We cannot let this go on. Innocent animals are being horribly mistreated for the sake of unethical fights, all for the sake of a few moments of audience cheers and a potential cash reward for the winners’ owners. The locals defend these brazen acts of cruelty as a beloved “tradition” that must be upheld at all costs, despite animal rights activists describing them as “a criminal act against animals.”

We must protect these innocent creatures from dying in such a cruel manner. Sign this petition to demand the West Java region’s villages outlaw these fights now.



Stop Brutal Animal Fights in Indonesia


Subject: Stop Brutal Animal Fights in Indonesia
Sent: October 26, 2017 at 11:41 AM
From: “ForceChange”


Sent by: (October 28, 2017 at 02:21 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (October 29, 2017)

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