World Vegan Day: Rise of veganism in Visakhapatnam

Aishwarya Upadhye…

Better health choices, animal welfare and climate change — on World Vegan Day, vegans in the city explain what made them embrace the plant-based lifestyle

Almost four years ago, when Sundeep Varma, a 28-year-old resident of Visakhapatnam, was scrolling through Instagram, he stumbled upon a video about the life of chickens reared in poultry farms, before they are slaughtered and cooked. An ardent meat lover at that time, Sundeep couldn’t believe the chickens had to send all their lives locked up in small cages. This made him research more on the meat industry and it was in this process that he learnt about veganism and its benefits. He decided to embrace a plant-based diet. “I could never digest the fact that a bird or animal was brought into existence only to be caged and slaughtered just so that I could enjoy a kebab,” says Sundeep. ……


Sent by:
Arabella Unger (November 02, 2020 at 07:47 AM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (November 02, 2020)

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