Why We Are Making the Legal Case for the Rights of a Chimpanzee

Michael Mountain

When members of the Nonhuman Rights Project ( www.nonhumanrightsproject.org/ ) went to visit Tommy last year, we found him living in a small cage in a dark shed at a used trailer lot in upstate New York. All he had for company was a TV set playing nature programs.

Tommy is a chimpanzee, and the way he is being treated is not illegal. His owners have the right to lock him up in a cage in a shed. Tommy, by contrast, has no rights at all ( www.onegreenplanet.org/animals… ) …

One Green Planet – May 21, 2014

Why We Are Making the Legal Case for the Rights of a Chimpanzee


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (May 21, 2014)

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