Artificial Meat Is Gaining Attention in China

Added by Tina Zhang

The 14th 2014 Inner Mongolia International Agriculture Exhibition from March 16 to 19 attracted 240 companies from U.S., France, Italy, South Korea, among other countries, and from 26 provinces within China. The men-made meat in exhibition booths not only includes usual forms as seen in U.S. markets, but also has unique forms and looks catering to the local meat dishes. The popularity of artificial meat has been gradually increasing in China—a quick web search online returns many recipes for it and this in turn will help it gain more attention …

Guardian Liberty Voice – March 22, 2014

Artificial Meat Is Gaining Attention in China


Fishing Practices hurting Marine Life (Video)

Submitted by Bruce Totolos

The international conservation advocate Oceana has said in a damning report that fisheries industry is wasting close to 20% of the total United States catch on yearly basis. Nine US fisheries have been named to altogether waste almost half of all they catch. Also, the newly-released data criticized them for catching more than 50% of all the country’s non-target fish and ocean wildlife, called as bycatch …

French Tribune – 03/22/2014 – 09:25 AM…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (March 22, 2014)

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