It’s time to make Britain foie gras-free! (Video)

Foie Gras is the diseased liver of ducks and geese. To produce it these birds are brutally fattened up using a feeding tube that is forced down their throats. Their liver swells to ten times its natural size.

This force-feeding is so cruel that foie gras production is banned in the UK and many other countries. Yet, it is still legal to import and sell foie gras in Britain, with shops such as Harrods, Fortnum & Mason and many local delis still stocking it.

Animal Equality investigations in France and Spain have revealed the extreme suffering that millions of ducks and geese endure on foie gras farms.……


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (June 09, 2018 at 10:32 PM


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (June 10, 2018)

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