Stop Trump From Hurting Hundreds of Arctic Seals, Whales

The Trump administration is about to sign a permit (… ) that would allow an oil company to harm endangered whales, seals and other Arctic marine mammals an astonishing 600 times.

Hilcorp is a company with a dangerous track record. It has been responsible for numerous spills in the past two years and has a history of not complying with industry regulations. Now it’s proposing to build and operate an artificial oil-drilling island and pipeline in the treacherous Beaufort Sea. If approved this would be the very first oil development in federal Arctic waters.

Using the form on this page, demand that the Trump administration reject Hilcorp’s reckless project. It threatens the Arctic’s amazing wildlife and will only deepen our climate crisis.

Trump’s new permit would allow Hilcorp to harm and harass marine mammals for five years starting in November 2019. That means it could injure and disturb marine mammals more than 600 times over the life of the authorization.

Noise from construction and operation would harm whales and seals by disrupting essential behaviors such as communicating, feeding and breeding. And onshore construction of ice roads could kill ringed seals.

The Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibits the killing, harming or harassing of these whales and seals — so the choice to be made is clear.

Tell the Trump administration to uphold our laws and deny the permit to hurt protected wildlife.



Sent: June 01, 2018 at 05:20 PM
From: “Center for Biological Diversity” bioactivist@biologicaldiversit…
To: “Martina Patterson”
Subject: Stop Trump From Hurting Hundreds of Arctic Seals, Whales


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (June 01, 2018 at 07:29 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (June 02, 2018)

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