Judge orders state to pay PETA’s legal fees

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina judge is ordering a state agency to pay $75,000 in legal fees to an animal rights group trying to stop a community from using a live possum in its New Year’s Eve celebration …

Beaumont Enterprise – Updated 11:41 am, Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Jesus Was a Vegetarian (Video)

Editor’s Note: This video is a 2008 news report about a PETA billboard campaign that year announcing that Jesus was a vegetarian. The video provides Biblical evidence that Jesus probably was a vegetarian …

Living Green Magazine – July 30, 2013


Duchess Declares Foie Gras Production ‘Truly Awful’ (Video)

Posted by Dan

The Dowager Duchess of Hamilton has just written to Fortnum & Mason boss Ewan Venters on behalf of PETA to express her strong disapproval of the fact that the store still profits from the torture of ducks ( stopfortnumandmasonfoiegrascru… ). She joins illustrious personalities, including Prince Charles and his niece, Emma Parker Bowles, in condemning foie gras, which is produced by cruelly force-feeding birds until their livers become diseased …

PETA.org.uk (press release) – July 30, 2013 at 8:58 AM


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (July 30, 2013)

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