Take Action to Protect Endangered Species!

Trophy Hunting Hurts Endangered Species!

Dear Friend,

lions, elephants, rhinoceros. All are in sharp decline due to poaching, habitat destruction, and animal/human conflicts; and all are frequent targets for trophy hunters.

The numbers for these species are grim: there are only around 20,000 lions, 415,000 elephants, and 23,500 rhinos left in the wild. Far from conserving these animals, trophy hunting is just another deadly pressure on wildlife populations that are already in serious trouble. And, while lions, elephants, and rhinos might be the best-known examples, they are far from the only endangered species put into further danger due to trophy hunting.

Take Action for Endangered Species:


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Born Free USA
8737 Colesville Road Suite 715
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910



Sent: July 08, 2020 at 02:01 PM
From: “Born Free USA” alertsmanager@bornfreeusa.org
To: “Martina Patterson” pattersonmatpatt@gmx.de
Subject: Take Action to Protect Endangered Species!
Trophy Hunting Hurts Endangered Species.


Sent by:
Martina Patterson (July 08, 2020 at 03:14 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (July 09, 2020)

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