Could Zhuhai’s new Ocean Kingdom create a market for imported killer whales?

As one of China’s biggest theme parks opens its doors in Zhuhai, conservationists fear killer whales may soon be put on show there, opening the floodgates on demand for orcas around the country, writes Simon Parry

South China Morning Post – Sunday 26 January 2014…


Japanese Whalers Running Out of Steam

By Michael “Beach Mick” Hudson
By Sea Shepherd Australia

SOUTHERN OCEAN January 26, 2014 – The Japanese whaling fleet has abandoned its plans to out-run the Sea Shepherd Fleet, with its factory vessel, the Nisshin Maru, slowing down to 12 knots after a 36 hour chase at full speed …

Beach Carolina Magazine – January 26, 2014

Japanese Whalers Running Out of Steam


Protesters lock horns with China over ivory as campaigners look into buyers

Sarah Morrison, Rachael Kitson

Gone are the days when a “Save the Rhino” advert was enough. Only about 25,000 rhinos are left in the wild, and thanks to poaching the species is critically endangered. Now, in an effort to drive down demand, conservationists are working on campaigns to understand what makes rhino horn consumers tick …

The Independent – Sunday 26 January 2014…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Jan 26, 2014)

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