PATRICIA RANDOLPH | state columnist

Patricia Randolph’s Madravenspeak: Wisconsin fur farm exposed

“Hidden off a country road in Wisconsin is a decrepit facility that makes a business of torturing and killing small animals for the fur trade.” ~ undercover PETA investigation

Dillenburg Fur Farm in Shawano County has been torturing and killing minks and foxes in a man-made government-sanctioned hell for 40 years. They suffer from the day they are bred to the day they are gassed, bludgeoned, have their necks broken, or simply die of exposure and abuse. For money. Cruelty as a business and way of life. It is one of hundreds if not thousands of such facilities across this state. Wisconsin is the primary mink producer in the country … – January 17, 2016…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Jan 17, 2016)

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