Four Nations Tell Japan and Sea Shepherd to Chill Out on the High Seas as Whale Hunt Begins

David Kirby

Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United States condemn whaling but warn the environmental group against confronting the Japanese.

The governments of four countries—Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United States—have fired a verbal warning shot (… ) across the bows of Japanese whaling vessels and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ships that protest whale hunting on the high seas.

The four governments this week issued a joint statement saying they oppose commercial whaling but also “condemn any actions at sea that may cause injury, loss of human life or damage to property or the marine environment during Southern Ocean whaling operations in 2016.” …

TakePart – Jan 15, 2016…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Jan 15, 2016)

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