Our Sixth Year in Taiji: Why We’re Still Fighting for Dolphins

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ( www.seashepherd.org/ ) and its team of Cove Guardians will officially launch the sixth consecutive season of Sea Shepherd’s Dolphin Defense Campaign on Sept. 1, 2015, in Taiji, Japan ( www.onegreenplanet.org/animals… ). Titled Operation Henkaku (Operation Metamorphosis), preparations are underway for the campaign, during which Sea Shepherd will once again have an international team of volunteer Cove Guardians stationed along the infamous cove, documenting and live streaming the brutal capture and slaughter of dolphins ( www.onegreenplanet.org/animals… ) and pilot whales for the world to see …

One Green Planet – August 21, 2015

Our Sixth Year in Taiji: Why We’re Still Fighting for Dolphins


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Aug 21, 2015)

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