Petition: Stop the Egyptian Government from exporting 10.000 Donkeys to China and Stray Dogs to South Korea

From: Sherwat S…
To: The Egyptian Parliament

It seems too terrible to believe (… ), but the Egyptian Government has signed a “trade” deal with China that involves exporting 10,000 donkeys from Egypt to China where they will be used to make local medicines. The government is getting ready to sign another deal to ship stray dogs to South Korea to be slaughtered for food.

Please sign this petition to help stop the Egyptian Government from exporting donkeys to china and poor stray dogs to South Korea. We need your support to stop this inhuman action! Thank you.…


From: Regina Heinitz
Sent: December 20, 2016 at 01:52 PM


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (October 23, 2017 at 10:08 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (October 24, 2017)

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