Petition: Prohibe la caza con galgos en España / Stop hunting with galgos in Spain…

Today, the 8th of October 2017, the hunting season starts in the region of Andalucia.
The regions decide which day the hunting will start, but it will start in all Spanish regions within this month.

Thousands of young Galgos, that are not good enough at hunting, (in the opinion of the hunters), will be killed in different, not at all pleasant, ways. For example, hanging, being beaten to death, or simply left somewhere without food until they starve to death.

The interest in the European Parliament for the petition has been, more or less, as expected.
Some of the parliamentarians have read the petition, other part have not gotten any further than their secretaries. One parliamentarian has responded, positively. (Responding to petitions can, unfortunately, sometimes signify that the politicians name will be used in less desirable ways.)
Newspapers have proven, as so often, difficult. Many European newspapers receive large amounts of money from travel agents advertising. Also, in some countries the interest for what is going on in Spain is modest.

During the last ten years, numerous attempts has been made to convince the governments of Spain to do something for the Galgos. Without result. The bearded man smoking a cigar at the bullfighting arena is obviously not interested in the Galgos suffering… (Spain’s Premier Minister Mariano Rajoy)
Here is a video (of photos), ten years old, so everyone can see that the bad treatment of the Galgos still continues the same. It is NOT recommended for sensitive persons!

Please, continue to help spreading the word about the petition! For example, in Facebook groups. In English search for ’animals’, ’animal abuse’, ’animal rights’, then click Groups.
There are a lot of groups in French and German, Czech and Italian, as well…
Thank you very much for your help!…


Sent: October 08, 2017 at 02:22 PM
From: “Kennet Nordström über
Subject: Galgo massacre / Masacre galgos


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (October 08, 2017 at 02:33 PM)


428 Animals Spayed/Neutered in EDUXANIMA Sterilisation Campaign in Topoloveni

For a time period of three weeks, EDUXANIMA, in partnership with Topoloveni City Hall, FNPA, “Tiere in Not, Hürth eV”, Germany, and “Tierhilfe KOS”, Austria, has carried out a free sterilization campaign in Arges County, for the town of Toploveni and its surroundings.

428 animals, dogs and cats (169 stray dogs, 115 dogs with owner, 28 stray cats, 116 cats with owner) were sterilized during the campaign.…

Any animal subjected to sterilization received comprehensive medical treatment if necessary, grooming, and flea and tick control treatment.

Since 2011, when we first organized sterilization campaigns in Topoloveni, this year’s level of receptiveness of the animal owners was by far the highest. Information about the benefits of animal sterilization, increasing the level of animal owners’ responsibility, the experience of previous years when we organized campaigns in the area of Topoloveni, the provisions of the law making the sterilization the owned animals obligatory, convinced more and more owners to sterilize their animals.

It is known that the main source of stray dogs are the owned dogs, because the litters born in households will generally be abandonned. Any method we apply to stray dogs, killing, removal, sterilization, will not stop the phenomenon if the source is not stopped. Dog owners who, either because they are irresponsible or more often because they lack the financial resources won’t sterilize their pets, will permanently feed the streets.
Therefore, the sterilization of owned animals is a priority because it is the most important practical action which has immediate results if it is achieved on a national scale.

Sterilization of animals and the education of pet owners are essential components for the long term solution of the stray animals problem.

The City Hall of Topoloveni could serve as an example for other mayors who manage the problem of canine over-population in an ineffective and cruel way, or who ignore the issue until it becomes suddenly visible and a critical situation.
Moreover, the law offers now the possibility for city halls to subsidize the sterilization of owned dogs. We ask all city halls to subtract from oversized and unjustified budgets the money that is actually allocated for the stray dog management for killing, and to invest it in the sterilization of owned dogs, the main source of the stray dog population.

Thank you to “Tiere in Not, Hürth eV”, our permanent and sustained partner in all of our sterilization campaigns. With their support we have so far sterilized 2900 animals!

Thank you to “Tierhilfe KOS”, who, for the second time, supports our sterilization action and has also always provided food for all animals.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the campaign.


Organization EDUXANIMA
National Federation for Animal Protection (FNPA)

Sent: October 08, 2017 at 12:45 PM
From: “Carmen Arsene”
Subject: 428 animals spayed / Tiere wurden bei EDUXANIMAs Sterilisationskampagne


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (October 08, 2017 at 01:12 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (October 08, 2017)

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