The big lie behind Japanese whaling

By Peter Wynn Kirby

Japan’s pro-whaling stance isn’t about whales at all; it is about ensuring access to other fishing resources.

The International Court of Justice’s decision last March to prohibit Japan’s annual whale hunt in Antarctic waters was greeted by many as an historic step against a reprehensible practice. Yet last month, despite the enormous diplomatic toll, Japan vowed to continue its whaling activities under a controversial research programme of dubious scientific merit …

Deccan Herald – Oct 27, 2014…


Japan vows to continue its whaling program, despite an international ruling ordering it to stop

Writer Adam Wernick

Despite the global moratorium ( ) on commercial whaling that began in 1986, Japan continues to kill thousands of whales under the guise of “research.”

“Japan claims it’s necessary research, important for the management of whaling”, says Phillip Clapham (… ) of NOAA’s National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle. “Many of us believe it is simply a convenient way around the moratorium.” …

PRI – October 26, 2014 at 11:15 AM EDT…


Dog hell to be created for Volos strays by the new Mayor of Volos in Greece/Griechenland/Griekenland

Petition 1.…

Petition 2.…

The Municipality of Volos in Greece decided -under unlawful conditions- to capture stray animals and place them in an unsuitable place where no proper shelter and care can be provided to them. The mayor refused any cooperation with local volunteers. We ask you to join us and sign this petition in order to demand from the responsible services to take action and protect stray animals of Volos. Animals deserve better. In spite of Greek law which prohibits any healthy stray dog to be kept more then 10 days in any shelter, the Mayor of Volos has decided that he will round up all the strays of Volos and transport them to an open fenced in enclosure where they will all be kept permanently. There are no details as to how the animals will be kept, whether they will be cared for, or if they will be neutered. Nor is there any viable scheme for rehoming these animals. Sadly, he has already started rounding up some animals, despite the fact that the “shelter” has not been properly built and lacks any sort of protection from the elements – as you can see in the photo. The citizens of Volos are outraged by this completely inhumane and illegal scheme, and have tried to stop the Mayor from his cruel round up of the dogs. Please stand with them. The strays of Volos have always been a well accepted part of the Volos city scape. Even though they live in the street, they are well-known and fed by the local community, who also ensures the animals are neutered and given medical attention. What inspired this act of madness, we cannot imagine. We are outraged and horrified – and desperate to help these animals before they come to harm. Please put your voice to ours and help us make a stand to stop the cruelty and make them return the dogs they have captured to the communities in which they belong.

Die Gemeinde Volos in Griechenland hat beschlossen -unter rechtswidrige Bedingungen- um streunende Tiere zu erfassen und sie in einem ungeeigneten Ort, wo keine richtige Schutz und Fürsorge können zu brengen, um sie zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Der Bürgermeister lehnte jede Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Freiwilligen. Wir bitten Sie, sich uns anzuschließen und diese Petition zu unterzeichnen, um von den zuständigen Stellen verlangen, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen und streunende Tiere von Volos zu schützen. Diese Streunerhunde haben etwas Besseres verdient. Trotz des griechischen Rechts, die keine gesunde streunenden Hund zu halten mehr als 10 Tage in einem Tierheim verbietet, der Bürgermeister von Volos hat beschlossen, dass er sammelt alle Streuner von Volos und transportieren sie zu einer offenen in Gehäuse eingezäunt, wo sie alle dauerhaft gehalten werden

De gemeente Volos in Griekenland heeft besloten om zwerfdieren te vangen en ze naar een ongeschikte plek te brengen waar geen passend onderdak en zorg aan hen kan worden verstrekt. Op deze plaats staat nog zelfs geen asiel. De lokale bevolking is hier fel op tegen, de meeste honden zijn bij hun bekend en worden ook gevoed, sommige zijn zelfs gecastreerd en krijgen medische hulp. De burgemeester weigert elke vorm van samenwerking met lokale vrijwilligers.
Teken a.u.b. deze 2 petities waar de bevolking vraagt om de gevangen honden terug te brengen en te stoppen met deze opruiming van zwerfhonden.

Petitie 1.…

Petitie 2.…

Sent: October 25, 2014 at 07:51 Uhr PM
From: “Régine Avzaradel”
Subject: FW: Dog hell to be created for Volos strays by the new Mayor of Volos in Greece/Griechenland/Griekenland
german here after!

Subject: Dog hell to be created for Volos strays by the new Mayor of Volos in Greece/Griechenland/Griekenland
Date: Oct 25, 2014 at 08:43 PM


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (Oct 26, 2014 at 12:15 PM)


Demand for Rhino Horn Drops in Vietnam

By Jeremy Hance,

A new poll finds that consumer demand for rhino horn in Vietnam has dropped precipitously following several advertising campaigns. According to the poll by the Humane Society International (HIS) and Vietnam CITES, demand has plunged 38 percent since last year …

The Epoch Times – October 25, 2014 at 09:39 pm…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Oct 26, 2014)

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