Thousands of exotic animals are shipped through Seattle each year

By Evan Bush
Seattle Times enterprise producer

The killing of one lion in Africa sparked worldwide outrage. But it’s common for Americans to hunt animals in foreign lands and ship them home. Since 1999, more than 39,000 African trophy animals have been legally shipped through Seattle …

The Seattle Times – October 24, 2015…


Seek Cover, Teddy: 3500 Hunters Take Guns and Bows to Bear Across Florida Starting Today

Jim Turner, News Service of Florida

More than 3,500 people armed with guns and bows are expected to take to the woods across four swaths of the state starting Saturday morning to begin a quest to kill formerly threatened Florida black bears.

Taking aim at bears is something hunters haven’t been permitted to do anywhere in Florida since 1994.

Some opponents turned out Friday at protests across the state and intend to spend the next few days keeping watch on the 33 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission game-check stations where hunters are required to bring fresh kills within 12 hours … – October 24, 2015

Seek Cover, Teddy: 3,500 Hunters Take Guns and Bows to Bears Across Florida


Whaling: Japan Announces Renewed Whaling Plans for Antarctica

By Catherine Arnold

Japan’s government has declared that the country will continue whaling in the Antarctic. That is, that government recently told the United Nations Secretary-General in a special declaration that the nation will not follow the March 2014 international ruling (… ) asking it to stop whaling in Antarctic waters, as the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) reported (… ) …

Nature World News – Oct 23, 2015 06:10 PM EDT…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Oct 24, 2015)

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