Elephants, Whales and Dolphins, Oh My!

By Tim Studt, Editorial Director

Item 1: Every year from September 1 to April 1, the Japanese prefecture of Wakayama allows local fishermen in the coastal town of Taiji to hunt an annual quota of nearly 2,000 dolphins for commercial purposes. Since the early 17th century, the Taiji fishermen have been hunting whales and dolphins and Taiji has now become the international hub of dolphin hunting and capture. The hunting is performed by fishermen in about 12 boats who go out to sea and work as a group to herd the dolphins they find to a “killing cove” in Taiji. A number of dolphins are chosen to be caught live and then sold on the global market to aquariums. The remainder (the bulk of the hunt) are killed (often inhumanely) and butchered for food. Dolphin (and whale) meat has been found to have high concentrations of mercury. The Japanese Ministry of Health has issued warnings on the consumption of these meats since 2003 …

Laboratory Equipment (blog) – Tue, 10/07/2014 – 12:25 pm


Human rights for chimpanzees is just monkey business

Ian O’Doherty

Retired circus worker Tommy is in a bad way. Put out to pasture by his former employers when he became too old, he now lives in a trailer park in New York where, apparently, he spends his days aimlessly watching cartoons on a cheap television …

Irish Independent – 07/10/2014 | 02:30


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Oct 07, 2014)

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