WWF supports Maldives management

WWF Pakistan is to support Maldives in its efforts to provide sustainable management of tuna in the Indian Ocean during the next three years.

WWF Pakistan in collaboration with WWF’s Smart Fishing Initiative (SFI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture (MoFA), Government of Maldives, through its Marine Research Centre (MRC) …

World Fishing – 08 Nov 2013


PETA protests SeaWorld float in Rose Parade (Video)

Rob Hayes

PASADENA, Calif. (KABC) — Come January, the Tournament of Roses Parade will once again roll through Pasadena. But on Thursday, Rose Parade protesters unhappy with a SeaWorld float lined the streets instead.

SeaWorld recently unveiled their orca-themed float on their website. Protesters from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) say the entry doesn’t float with them …

abc7.com – November 08, 2013


Gordon Ramsay Shamed for Selling Vile Foie Gras From Tortured Birds – Again (Video)

Posted by Anne

Disturbing footage ( www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/… ) released last night reveals horrific cruelty to animals on foie gras farms that supply celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. In windowless sheds, row upon row of ducks are kept in tiny filthy cages with no space to move, covered in their own vomit, with painful broken wings and beaks, abscesses, eye injuries and bloody sores. Dying birds collapse panting from illness and exhaustion caused by the relentless ordeal of being force-fed grain through a tube several times a day. After weeks of this misery, the surviving birds are shoved into crates and sent to be slaughtered …

PETA.org.uk (press release) (blog) – November 8th, 2013, 11:54 AM


Tipsy Turkeys: N.H. Farmer Feeds Thanksgiving Birds Beer for Flavor, Size

A New Hampshire farmer says beer makes birds fatter, more flavorful and juicier


When it comes to pairing beer with poultry, Joe Morette isn’t too fussy. His turkeys will drink just about anything.

Morette, who is raising about 50 Thanksgiving turkeys on his New Hampshire farm this year, has been giving his birds beer since 1993, when he and his workers popped open a few cans after work on a hot July day. A turkey knocked one over and started drinking, he said, and they’ve been sipping the suds ever since …

NBC Bay Area – Nov 8, 2013 | Updated 10:05 AM PST


PRESS RELEASE: Spanish brand seriously damaged by the declaration of bullfighting Cultural Heritage

International NGO’s believe Spain’s image has been seriously damaged by yesterday’s declaration of bullfighting as cultural heritage of the country.

An international delegation of animal protection NGO’s which recently visited the House and Senate on behalf of 103 NGOs from 29 countries have expressed their dismay at the decision of the members of the Spanish Senate to vote in favor of a legislation that seeks that bullfighting be promoted and protected by the Spanish State …

sos-galgos.net – November 7th, 2013, 22:25


Sent by:

Martina Szyszka (Nov 07, 2013, 22:52)


Foie Gras: scandale dans les palaces parisiens (Video)

Stop aux élevages honteux de foie gras!

Stop aux élevages de la honte qui fournissent le foie gras des palaces parisiens!
Le foie gras est produit dans des conditions effroyables pour les animaux : canards immobilisés dans des cages minuscules, blessés, agonisants, gavés mécaniquement à la chaîne.
Soutenons L214 dans son combat contre ces élevages et cette consommation!



From: MesOpinions noresponse@news.mesopinions.co…


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (Thu, 7 Nov 2013 21:07)


Help Prevent Senseless Turtle Deaths! | 20% Off Any Item

We’re Losing Loggerhead Turtles By The Thousands

The critically endangered loggerhead sea turtle continues to be accidentally caught by commercial fishing nets, further depleting its already compromised population. The highest concentration of deaths occurs in Pacific waters near the coast of Baja California, Mexico …

More information:

From: “Take Action! at GreaterGood Network” news@greatergood.com


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (Nov 07, 2013, 20:32)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Nov 08, 2013)

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