Team Ireland, Brazil:
Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog/cat meat trade!

Who will be brave and compassionate enough to speak out?
Let’s ask the Olympic Committees of Ireland, Brazil, and other countries to take a stand and speak out against this shameful trade. You can help by signing and sharing our petition, sending out letters and emails, and raising awareness of this brutal and barbaric practice and calling for an end to the trade by exposing this issue in social media. Click each of the countries below to take action.


Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage.:

Newsletter – May 14, 2017


Sent: May 15, 2017 at 09:06 AM
From: “
Subject: Team Ireland, Brazil | President Moon Jae-In


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (May 15, 2017 at 05:03 PM)


New Call for Actions for South Korean Animals in the Horrific Dog and Cat Meat Trade! (Video)

May 15, 2017 — Incheon, with a population of about 3 million people, is one of the metropolitan cities in South Korea. It is also the home to countless dog farms, slaughterhouses, restaurants which serve dog meat and so- called “health food shops” that commonly sell dog elixir.

Search engines reveal the sickening scale of Incheon’s dog meat demand with hundreds of these places operating illegally with absolutely no government regulation or oversight. It’s time to shed a light on this shameful and cruel industry. Please be the voice for the animals sacrificed in this illegal industry in Incheon. Take the action today.…



Sent: May 15, 2017 at 04:59 AM
From: “KOREANDOGS.ORG Activists über
Subject: New Call for Actions for South Korean Animals in the Horrific Dog and Cat Meat Trade!


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (May 15, 2017 at 04:54 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (May 16, 2017)

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