WATCH: Local residents protest dog meat festival (Video)

Residents show their support to demonstration calling for an end to the dog eating festival.

ANIMAL activists staged a peaceful demonstration outside the Chinese Consulate in Durban North on Saturday morning in opposition to the Lychee and Dog Meat Festival which begins in June in Yulin in Southern China. Judy van der Westhuizen (… ), who runs an animal rescue NPO called Khetani Animal Rescue read out a memorandum calling for an end to the annual festival.

According to Van der Westhuizen, about 10.000 dogs and cats are expected to be killed during the 10-day festival.

“Dogs are man’s best, the most loyal friend. It breaks my heart to see their suffering. We want to stop the abuse of animals and ask the Chinese government to consider the western world.“ …

Northglen News – May 13, 2017…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (May 13, 2017)

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