‘The Grind’: Annual whale slaughter begins in Faroe Islands

By Felicity Capon

Two activist ships are racing to the Faroe Islands, in the North Atlantic to attempt to stop the “barbaric” annual slaughter of hundreds of whales and dolphins currently taking place in the autonomous Danish province …

Newsweek – 6/24/15 at 6:33 PM


Japanese whaling boats to return to Antarctic

By Lindsay Morgan

On Monday, a government official said that Japanese whaling boats will travel to the Antarctic again regardless of international opposition. It was ruled by the International Court of Justice in 2014 that the Japanese whaling program was not obeying the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling and therefore they banned Japanese whalers from hunting in the Southern Ocean …

NY City News – 6/24/15


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (June 24, 2015)

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