8 Anti-Captivity Heroes We Can All Love

Visala Kantamneni

Animals in captivity have become the central topic of major discussion in the past couple of decades. People are increasingly becoming aware of the harmful effects zoos ( www.onegreenplanet.org/animals… ), circuses ( www.onegreenplanet.org/animals… ), and marine parks ( www.onegreenplanet.org/animals… ) and other forms of animal exploitation ( www.onegreenplanet.org/animals… ) have.

Inspiring these movements are organizations dedicated to ending animal abuse and promoting their respect and conservation. Behind these amazing organizations are people who took a stand and decided to dedicate their lives to helping wild animals in today’s world attain protection from the evils they are subjected to.

These fantastic individuals we could all take a leaf from are listed below: …

One Green Planet – June 4, 2014

8 Anti-Captivity Heroes We Can All Love


Japan launches new whale and dolphin watching body


Campaigners Wednesday welcomed the launch of a body promoting whale and dolphin watching in Japan, which they said could help the country move away from its controversial slaughter of the mammals …

Times LIVE – 04 Juni, 2014 12:06


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (June 04, 2014)

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