Activists spam Danish politicians’ inboxes

Danish politicians have seen their inboxes flooded by angry emails from anti-whaling activists decrying the annual Faroese ‘grindadráp’ event, where whales are herded close to shore and slaughtered …

The Local Denmark – 29 Jul 2015 16:39 GMT…

More information:

Slaughter of Pilot Whales Draws Global Outrage…


PETA Wants To EXECUTE Hunter Who Killed Lion (Video)

Andrew Kadar

The animal right’s group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is sounding more like ISIS after it called for the execution of an American dentist who killed a popular lion (… ) in Zimbabwe, Time reports (… ) …

Daily Caller – 2:01 PM 07/29/2015

PETA Wants To EXECUTE Hunter Who Killed Lion


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (July 29, 2015)

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