Take a moment for the forgotten dogs

We know dogs have good memories, because they recognize us, they scamper along the routes that they love, and they learn important lessons like ‘stay!’, ‘sit!’ and ‘wait!’

But how many dogs do we remember?

And how many do we forget?

I have worked to save dogs from the Philippine dog meat trade since the 1980’s. And thanks to caring people like you, my team have broken into hundreds of slaughterhouses and restaurants, helped create vital laws to protect innocent dogs from hideous traders, and forced moving vehicles off the road to reveal and confiscate their cargo. I am proud of this Supporter, but it is not enough.


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Take a moment for the forgotten dogs


Sent: July 21, 2016 at 12:27 PM
From: “Network for Animals” info@networkforanimals.org
To: “Martina Patterson” pattersonmatpatt@gmx.de
Subject: Martina, take a moment for the forgotten dogs


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (July 21, 2016 at 01:32 PM)


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (July 21, 2016)

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