Debate over trapping, hunting heats up

Larry Woody, Outdoors Writer

As society becomes more urbanized and people lose touch with the natural order of things, there is an increasing anti-hunting sentiment.

A recent feature about fur trapping in Tennessee stirred responses both negative and positive, reflective of a growing nation-wide debate …

Lebanon Democrat – Jan 13, 2015…


Conservationists Outraged by Whale Testicle Beer

By Zoë Robert

Vanessa Williams-Grey, anti-whaling campaigner at Whale and Dolphin Conservation, has criticized brewery Steðji for producing a beer made with fin whale testicles smoked with dried sheep dung. “This is a calculated move, not only to dishonour a beautiful and endangered creature by using its most intimate of body parts as a marketing tool, but also sends a clear ‘two fingers’ to the conservation community and those who love and respect whales,“ Williams-Grey said …

IcelandReview – January 13, 2015 at 05:22 PM…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Jan 13, 2015)

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