‘Frozen Zoo’ Could Save World’s Endangered Species

By Jenna Iacurci

Scientists at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park are hoping that their “frozen zoo” can save the world’s endangered species.

This advanced technology involves turning skin cells into stem cells, which then become egg and sperm necessary for in-vitro fertilization. A surrogate mom from a related species would then carry the resulting embryo, theoretically resulting in new offspring …

Nature World News – Feb 28, 2015 – 12:01 PM EST


How We Can Work Towards Ending Whaling in Iceland

by Care2 Causes Editors
Written by Julia Thoms, UK marketing manager, Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)

‘I’m not going to visit Iceland until the whale hunts stop’ is a common response to hearing about the whale slaughter that takes place every year in the waters around this spectacular country. And it’s a perfectly natural reaction. But just take a moment and think. Shouldn’t we be supporting Iceland’s whale watch industry and growing anti-whaling movement? …

Care2.com – February 28, 2015 – 9:00 am


Mexico’s ‘swim with dolphins’ sites criticized by animal rights groups, environmentalists


MEXICO CITY — Environmental and animal-rights groups in Mexico are training their sights on the growing number of “swim with dolphins” enclosures on the nation’s coasts.

The movement scored its first victory Thursday, when federal regulators said they had ordered a dolphinarium closed just south of the resort city of Cancun closed because it had not filed an environmental impact statement …

Daily Journal – February 27, 2015 – 05:01 pm


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Feb 28, 2015)

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