Public policy on Japanese whaling lost in a sea of ambivalence

Andrew Hunter

A Japanese whaling fleet is approaching Antarctic waters claimed by Australia. Scores of giant mammals will soon endure a long, painful death in Australian waters.

Most Australians will be horrified by these events. Our government has sent aircraft to ”monitor” all parties but seems lost in a sea of ambivalence. Meanwhile, the world awaits the International Court of Justice’s decision on Whaling in the Antarctic …

The Canberra Times – December 30, 2013…


Panther Love, topped the list in 2013 for the protection of species

Posted by yasam

Panther Love has seen its population “increase of 50% over the last five years”, according to the Swiss branch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). “This is a brilliant success, even if the total number of animals remains low, with 50 individuals“, says the organization. This increase in the number of panthers Love is mainly due to the creation of a new national park in the Russian Far East …

Racers Republic – December 29, 2013…


Scottish marine life under threat, says WWF

By Nicky Stubbs

If politicians do not “step up” efforts to tackle pollution, Scotland’s marine life faces long-term damage, the WWF has said.

The warnings come just a day after four new species were discovered in the country’s waters, and coincide with the publication of a report, Marine Climate Change Impacts Report Card 2013 (… ), which summarises the research from 150 government and academic scientists over the past 12 months …

Blue & Green Tomorrow – December 29th, 2013…


The Global War Against Nature

Dr. Reese Halter
Broadcaster, Conservation Biologist, Educator

… There’s a crisis of epic proportion occurring on our planet 24/7, 365: ‘The War Against Nature’ (… ) has become a prolonged looting spree — plundering terrestrial and oceanic wildlife on a global tear never witnessed before. The fact that the Mafia, Syndicate, Cartel and Triad’s are involved heavily in shark fining, slaughtering bluefin tuna, massacring rhinos, elephants and tigers — as the demand for rhino horns, elephant ivory, fur and animals parts skyrockets — means these incredible beasts and others have no chance whatsoever to continue to live (… ) on planet Earth …

Huffington Post – Posted: 12/28/2013 3:00 pm…


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Dec 29, 2013)

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