Editorial: Protecting wildlife

A GENERATION haunted by the rampaging man-eating shark in the Steven Spielberg classic, “Jaws,” would have empathized with Sene Deblosan of Asturias, who was apprehended while selling 19 kilos of thresher shark meat.

Members of the Cebu Provincial Anti-illegal Fishing Task Force “chanced upon” Deblosan at Sitio Sangi, Barangay Tubigagmanok in Asturias on their way back to Cebu City after an operation, reported Flornisa M. Gitgano in Sun.Star Cebu last Aug. 21 …

Sun.Star – Sunday, August 24, 2014


Fourrure dans les vitrines des boutiques

Madame, Monsieur,

Etant responsable d’un collectif anti fourrure, je vous adresse ces quelques mots afin de vous demander de faire tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour sauver les renards torturés dans cette ferme d’élevage au sud de Montréal. Suite au film “Skin Trade” de Shannon Keith dévoilant la sordide et nauséabonde réalité de l’industrie de la fourrure, Hollywood a voté à l’unanimité contre les ventes de fourrure dans sa ville.

Désormais et depuis septembre 2013, il n’y a donc plus de fourrure dans les vitrines des boutiques.
S’il vous plait, ne laissez pas souffrir ces animaux n’ayant pas même accès à de l’eau, ils sont pour certains éborgnés, d’autres ont les pattes cassés, pour finir électrocutés et gazés avant d’être dépecés encore conscients.

Les fermes à fourrures doivent être interdites, tout comme au Royaume Uni, en Autriche, ainsi qu’au Pays-Bas (vote l’année dernière), ainsi qu’en Croatie. La Belgique est sur la même voie, et le Danemark a interdit les élevages de renards en 2009.

Bien sincèrement.

Martina et Shawn Patterson

Zülpich, Germany


To: chrystel.michaud@mffp.gouv.qc….
Cc: usiwek@weeac.com, info@ariwa.org, redaktion@fellbeisser.net,
tierschutzwatch@tierrechte.de, chefredaktion@journalistenwatc…,


Martina Patterson (Aug 24, 2014 at 03:20 PM


This WorldDogDay, please remember the dogs who lost their lives at a UK laboratory (Video)

Dear Martina,

Last year, I went undercover for 7 months at an animal testing laboratory owned by MSD Animal Health ( buav.org/undercover-investigat… ). It was extremely difficult going back to the laboratory day after day; I witnessed and documented the most traumatic events, which luckily I will never have to experience again.

I knew that, once exposed, my evidence would be invaluable so I used this to strengthen myself and continue with the investigation. I am proud that I have helped the BUAV bring to the public eye the terrible suffering and killing of puppies and kittens Born To Die in the laboratory.

Most of all, I am grateful I had the chance to save beagles Bonnie, Billie and Oliver from death. I find comfort every day in knowing they are free and enjoying life.

But the BUAV’s work does not stop there – with your help Martina, we must do more. Please, take action in memory of the 102 dogs killed at MSD Animal Health by signing and sharing our petition today ( www.change.org/p/msd-animal-he… ).


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Sent: August 24, 2014 at 09:11 AM
From: “The BUAV” info@buavnews.org
To: “pattersonmatpatt@gmx.de“; pattersonmatpatt@gmx.de
Subject: This #WorldDogDay, please remember the dogs who lost their lives at a UK laboratory


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Martina Patterson (Aug 24, 2014 at 14:29 PM)


Chinchillas Rescued from Electrocution Thanks to Sam Simon’s Compassion (Video)

by Susan Bird

You might know Sam Simon best as the co-creator of “The Simpsons”. To 420 chinchillas ( www.care2.com/causes/daily-cut… ) being held in horrible conditions at a California breeding facility, though, he’s a hero. He just used his money and influence to save them from electrocution.

Simon, a longtime animal activist, partnered with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA – www.peta.org/ ) to provide the necessary funding to buy out the entire operation ( www.care2.com/causes/chinchill… ) at the Adams Valley View Chinchilla Ranch in Vista, Ca. …

Care2.com – August 24, 2014 at 5:00 am


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (August 24, 2014)

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