Hamish and Andy’s Gap Year Asia on Channel 9 criticised by PETA over snake killing skit

Jonathon Moran
The Daily Telegraph

Comedians Hamish Blake and Andy Lee have attracted the ire of militant animal advocacy group PETA.

In a skit titled Cultural Eating on Hamish and Andy’s Gap Year Asia on Channel 9, the group claims the pair took a joke too far when they killed a snake for Lee to consume the animal’s still-beating heart in a glass of blood …

Herald Sun – August 19, 2013 12:00 AM


Earthjustice e.Brief: Monthly e-Newsletter

Stop the Slaughter of Baby Seals in Namibia

What will happen to the chimps?


Sent by:

Martina Patterson (Aug 17/18, 2013)


Horse pulling carriage collapses in Salt Lake City (Video)

Reported by: Kim Johnson

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) – A scene in downtown Salt Lake Saturday drew a lot of onlookers including PETA.

A horse pulling a carriage collapsed on the street …

ABC 4 – Updated: 12:21 am | Published: 8/17 10:23 pm


Published by „the fellbeißer“© (Aug 18, 2013)

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